About Strong Home Gym

Our mission at Strong Home Gym is to help busy people like you get stronger and fitter with your own affordable home gym.

By bringing together a team of certified personal trainers, health experts and fitness enthusiasts, we provide up-to-date and transparent advice on exercising from home.

There is a lot of information out there about what you do and don’t need to workout from home. It’s very hard to find what equipment and exercises will help you see results and gains.

Strong Home Gym cuts through the noise to leave you with information that will actually help to see results.

Find our full review guidelines here.

What Strong Home Gym believes in

Finding the time to go to the gym is never easy. But you don’t have to do that to stay strong and fit.

After working here for over 12 months, every team member gets asked a set of questions to find out what they believe the values are at Strong Home Gym.

These are the core 5 values the team believes in at Strong Home Gym to help you get results…

1. Excellence above anything else

There are a ton of opinions thrown around in the fitness space. We always strive to use research to back up any claims.

For example, many people believe that lifting free weights builds more muscle than using machines. However, the evidence strongly suggests there is not much difference in this. There may be other benefits to using certain types of equipment, but we always value evidence before any biases (including our own!)

Everything we do involves a lot of research, testing and trying things ourselves personally to provide you with the best information possible.

2. Honesty and transparency are vital

All of our equipment reviews and recommendations are based on the best available items on the market. We never base recommendations on what pays the most money but rather on what is the truth.

Transparency is always our first thought. If we are being paid to mention an advertising partnership you will be the first to know.

3. Grow or die

If you are not improving you are declining.

There is no such thing as staying the same.

Nothing is more true than your fitness. Every team member acts on this every day and we use our own fitness levels as a daily reminder.

But we also bring this into our work here. We strive to improve everything we do week on week and year on year. So be sure that whatever you are reading today is better than it was last year (and it will be better again this time next year!)

4. Teach everything you know

If you read other reviews of products on the internet you may see a top recommendation. But it’s rare to see “why” this is the top recommendation (other than, “I’ve personally used this”).

We understand that many readers want to know how to choose products themselves. So we share our exact process for picking items.

The same is true with any workout or exercise recommendations. You will always find the “why” in everything we do.

5. Simplify everything so a child can understand

The fitness space is full of words and complex stuff that a Brain Surgeon would struggle to understand.

We aim to simplify everything so that anyone can understand it.

We also heavily use Pareto’s 80:20 rule…

80% of your results come from 20% of the effort.

We heavily focus on these 20% of tasks and important information in everything we do. This is backed up by our equipment recommendations. Most people do not need 20 barbells- they need one good one.

The Team

I’ll explain how we create content inside our review guidelines and further down on this page. But first, it’s important to know who is behind the site so you can see where the information is coming from…

Mike Beatty: Founder & PE Teacher

Hey, I’m Mike and I’m a long time fitness enthusiast.

Mike Beatty Squatting
Mike Beatty- Founder of Strong Home Gym

So much so that I have a Sports and Exercise Science degree and I am a qualified Physical Education Teacher.

I created Strong Home Gym to provide a place where anyone can access to get fitter and stronger no matter how much money or time you have.

I’ve been featured in Straight to the Bar, Dollarsprout, Redfin and many other places.

Steve Hoyles: Certified Personal Trainer Contributor

Steve is a personal trainer, qualified weight lifting coach, gym owner, and copywriter.

Steve Hoyles
Steve Hoyles

He has worked in the fitness industry since 2004 and helped thousands of people reach their fitness goals.

Steve plays a big role in making sure the most up-to-date and accurate strength training advice is shared on Strong Home Gym. He is the owner of My Gym UK and has been featured in Men’s Health, Kymira Sport, and many other places. You can learn more about Steve here. Or find his LinkedIn profile here.

Christine VanDoren: Personal Trainer & Nutritionist Contributor

Christine is a certified personal trainer and nutritionist with a business undergraduate degree from Missouri State University.

Christine VanDoren
Christine VanDoren

Her passion is helping others learn how strong and healthy they can become by transforming their daily habits through both her training and writing. 

Christine spends most of her time in the gym and learning how she can influence others through positivity!

You can find her LinkedIn profile here.

Courtney Barth: Registered Dietitian & Personal Trainer Contributor

Courtney is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Personal Trainer based in Cleveland, Ohio.

Courtney Barth
Courtney Barth

She completed both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in food and nutrition from Bowling Green State University. As a registered dietitian since 2016, Courtney has been using her skills in nutrition to work in the clinical, sports, and wellness setting as a reliable accountability partner to guide clients through healthy ways of eating.

Courtney enjoys finding ways to make all foods fit into our diets, and loves teaching people how any food can bring benefit to the human body. She is a big believer in intuitive eating and is inspired by the healthy at every size movement. Courtney’s personal health journey has led her to believe that proper nutrition has truly saved her life!

You can find her LinkedIn profile here.

Steve Theunissen: Certified Personal Trainer Contributor

Steve is a personal trainer, current home gym owner, former gym owner, and copywriter.

Steve Theunissen Certified Personal Trainer
Steve Theunissen

He joined his first gym at age 15 and, five years later, he was managing his own studio. In 1987, he became the first personal fitness trainer in New Zealand.

Over the past decade, he has built a freelance fitness writing career to share my fitness passion with the world. He’s been featured on Muscle and Brawn, Gymaholic, Fitness Volt, and many other places. You can find Steve’s LinkedIn Profile or his website Fit Expert NZ here.

Nenad Aleksic: Commercial Content Manager

Nenad is a web content expert and a fitness zealot.

Nenad Aleksic- Commercial Content Manager
Nenad Aleksic

He holds a Master’s Degree in Technical Sciences and has been honing an engineer-like approach to internet marketing and content production since 2008.

Within the SHG team, his role is two-fold:

  • Plan and help craft industry-leading content on home gym equipment
  • Make sure that content finds its way to you

When he’s not researching or writing, all his effort goes into putting the pizza box down after the second slice.

Danielle McAvoy: Registered Dietitian Contributor

Danielle is a registered dietitian, lifelong athlete and health and wellness writer.

Danielle McAvoy Registered Dietitian
Danielle McAvoy

Her goal is to help people harness the true power of food and build sustainable healthy habits. She has a degree in nutrition science from Cornell University and a master’s in health communication from Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. Danielle has spent over a decade working with gyms, schools, restaurant kitchens, and grocery stores – the places where healthy habits begin.

Danielle has been featured as a nutrition expert in Forbes, Women’s Health, Bustle, and many other places. When not at work, you will find her at the CrossFit gym, playing in the community band, or hiking with her dogs.

You can learn more about Danielle and her qualifications here. Or you can find her LinkedIn profile here.

Erin Quense: Registered Dietitian Contributor

Erin is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and a Freelance Nutrition, Health, and Lifestyle Writer.

Erin Quense Registered Dietitian
Erin Quense

She received her master’s degree in Nutrition from Saint Elizabeth University, and two undergraduate degrees in Biology and Nutrition. 

As an RD, Erin has years of experience working in clinical acute and long-term care. She believes that food is an essential, joyous part of life and is passionate about helping others make food work for them and their lifestyle- whatever that may look like. 

Erin has been featured through Cronometer and in various food and nutrition blogs. In her free time, Erin enjoys hiking and swimming, and spending time with her two huskies!

You can learn more about Erin on her LinkedIn profile here.

Michelle Tierney: Certified Personal Trainer & RD Contributor

Michelle Tierney is a Registered Dietitian, Personal Trainer and Health and Wellness Freelance Writer.

Michelle Tierney
Michelle Tierney

Her mission is to help others create healthy, sustainable lifestyle habits. She has been an avid athlete her whole life and has gained expertise in holistic health, endurance and strength training.

She provides individualized nutrition plans, weight management support, eating disorders, and gastrointestinal disorders. Michelle has been featured in Fitwirr, Bistro MD, and many other places. You can learn more about Michelle here.

Dr. David Beatty: Doctor of Medicine Contributor

Dr David Beatty
Dr. David Beatty

David has been a doctor for over 30 years in England.

A large part of this role has been around helping people make lifestyle changes. Recommending and educating people on healthy habits such as sleep, nutrition and weight loss has been crucial to his career.

David wants to help make sure people can live a healthy lifestyle.

He plays a vital role in making sure accurate and up-to-date health advice is delivered by Strong Home Gym. He has been featured in Healthline, Best Life Online, Up Journey, and much more. You can learn more about David and his qualifications here.

Teodor Boshkov: Content Editor

Teodor has been a digital marketer for over 5 years.

Teodor Boshkov- Editorial Assistant
Teodor Boshkov

His role has been around content strategy, content writing, editing, uploading and SEO.

Through his work he helps visitors have the best possible experience on our website, and get all the abundant resources available to them in an intuitive way.

He makes sure that the articles are not only rich in relevant information, but that they look good and are a pleasurable reading experience for you.

In his spare time, he likes to indulge in mountain hiking and biking, moderate cross-fit (if there ever was such a thing), and music – both listening and performing.

How we create content

All the content you find on this site has been edited and planned by me.

There are freelance writers, including friends that are experts in the fitness industry, that create content for this site but everything goes through me as the chief editor.

We get our hands on as much of the equipment as possible to provide real-life experience. However, this isn’t always possible so we will also do extensive research into other customers reviews and feedback.

Everything is then run through our own review criteria and put into simple English.

I want this to be a place you can trust and isn’t biased due to brand sponsorships, unlike some other places you may find this kind of information!

Read more in our review guidelines here.

What will you get from this site?

There are a few things you will get from this site:

  • An ultimate guide on how to set up your home gym (suitable for any budget).
  • Thorough research and honest reviews on a variety of essential home gym equipment.
  • At-home workout guides.
  • A community of other like-minded people looking to get fit from home.

If this sounds like something that you are looking for, then I look forward to hearing from you and your own home gym story!

If you’re looking to get started then check out the ultimate guide to set up your home gym here.

Do something today that your future self will thank you for.